BedSect V3
Mishra GP, Ghosh A, Jha A, Raghav SK. Bedsect: An integrated web server application to perform intersection, visualization and functional annotation of genomic regions from multiple datasets. Frontiers in Genetics. 2020 February 05. doi:10.3389/fgene.2020.00003.
chr1 213941196 213942363 chr1 213942363 213943530 chr1 213943530 213944697 chr2 158364697 158365864 chr2 158365864 158367031
First column will contain the standard chromosome name, 2nd column will have start position and 3rd column will contain the end position. Strand details is not necessary for the analysis. With each run of the analysis the server will generate a unique Session id which can be used for future access of the results. On the last date of each month the reports and the analysis details will be cleared to save storage space. So we recommend you to keep a backup of input files for future analysis.
* Do not include any file header.